The Being On Stage Podcast

Episode 72: How to Promote Yourself

Episode Summary

Maintaining contact with your audience is crucial for performers. People want to stay connected to you.

Episode Notes

Maintaining contact with your audience is crucial for performers. People want to stay connected to you.

Self-promotion means you are consistently promoting what you are doing. From preparing for a show, to learning new moves, your audience wants an inside look. How do you accomplish that? Social Media. You don’t need to hire anyone and you don’t have to be some big-shot know-it-all social media buff. You need a facebook page, instagram, and twitter all set up specifically for you stage persona. After that you just need a few hours a week, a couple apps on your phone, and VIOLA! Self-promotion. So what are these fancy apps? Simple and easy is what I call them.

Buffer - Helps manage and schedule your posts.

Video Editior - Any video editor will allow you to trim videos shot from your phone.

Canva - Easy-to-use graphics website

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