The Being On Stage Podcast

Episode 78: Back to Life, Back to Reality

Episode Summary

The Holidays are over! Time to take down the decorations, put away the lights, throw out the tree.

Episode Notes

The Holidays are over! Time to take down the decorations, put away the lights, throw out the tree.

You ever wish you could just hold on to Christmas just a little while longer? I think we all do. Performers face the same emotions every time we come off stage. We plan everything down to the last detail, choose the perfect outfit, and rehearse for what feels like forever. On stage, WE KILL IT!! I mean absolutely crush it and blow the audience away. Then, when we wake up the next day, we are back in our reality. We go back to work, back to the same old grind every single day. Over time it makes it harder to give and give on stage, knowing what comes the following day. We have to keep going though, as hard as it may be. Truthfully, that is what makes us stronger, being able to look back to where we came from and know we did it.

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